thank you for trying it out. :-)
Julia is not within the PATH, which means you cannot start it wherever you type "julia".
If you download julia or any other program as executable binary file you have to add it to your PATH or to a location which is already in your PATH.
Than you can simply type "julia" in the command line to start it.
One way is to add a symbolic link of the julia executable to a directory which is in the PATH by default.
- So go to the folder where the "julia" executable is (e.g. /downloads/julia-1.5.1/bin) and type: "pwd".
- This will give you the location and path of the "julia" executable (e.g. "/home/erik/downloads/julia_1.5.1/bin:$PATH")
- Afterwards create a symbolic link from this location by typing: "sudo ln -s copy/your/pwd/output/here /usr/local/bin/julia"
- Try to type "julia" to see if you can start it (if yes, you can leave it with "exit()"
Another way is to add the "pwd" output path to your ".bashrc" file, so this will add a new location to the PATH.
- Open your ".bashrc" file with an editor: e.g. type: "nano .bashrc" in your home directory.
- Add this anywhere in the file: "export PATH="copy/your/pwd/output/here:$PATH"
- Source the .bashrc ("source .bashrc") file or close and open the terminal again.
Now try to type "julia".
If julia works, also the protparamwrap should work now.
best Erik